Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Candid shots of my kids

I have been really busy with not a whole lot of time for photo appointments! I have been doing the k-12 program (virtual home school) with my 2nd grader. It requires 5 hours a day of teaching-it's a great program but keeps me BUSY! My daughter has learned soooo much and I love seeing her progress as she gets to work at her own pace-she has just started Spanish class this past week! number 4 is on her way! (yes another HER!) She'll be here mid-January!


  1. I can't believe you're expecting! So exciting......I guess you were meant for princesses ;-) LOVE the pictures....they're getting big! We moved into our new house and tomorrow is our first Sunday in our new ward......I'm really sad about leaving the old ward :'( But loving the new house! Have a great weekend :-)

  2. Hi Kari! I'm so sad that you've moved out of the ward! Nothing is supposed to change while we're gone :) I'll bet you're so happy in your new house though-you'll have to let me know where you moved to? Miss you!!!!
